
Understanding Cinema Cooperatives

A cinema cooperative is a collaborative organization where skilled professionals from various fields come together to construct narrative feature productions. Unlike traditional filmmaking structures dominated by hierarchical studio systems, cinema cooperatives emphasize shared ownership, creative autonomy, and collective decision-making. This model fosters an environment where artistic vision and innovation can thrive independently of commercial pressures.

In contrast to conventional studio-driven productions, cinema cooperatives prioritize artistic integrity and community-driven support. While studios typically operate on profit-driven motives and hierarchical structures, cooperatives empower filmmakers to explore diverse narratives and experimental approaches. This comparative shift highlights the cooperative’s role in challenging industry norms and promoting creative diversity.

The cooperative model offers several advantages to filmmakers, including enhanced creative freedom, equitable distribution of responsibilities, and collective ownership of artistic projects. By bypassing traditional gatekeepers, cooperatives empower filmmakers to pursue bold, unconventional ideas that may not align with mainstream commercial interests. This autonomy fosters innovation and enables the exploration of niche markets and diverse cultural perspectives.

Parcstar Assembly Inc. aligns closely with cooperative principles by prioritizing inclusivity, collaboration, and transparency in its operations. By fostering a supportive community of filmmakers, Parcstar promotes a culture of mutual respect and shared goals. This alignment enhances the cooperative’s ability to navigate industry challenges while maintaining artistic integrity and social responsibility.

Parcstar’s administration structure emphasizes democratic decision-making, where members actively participate in shaping organizational policies and strategic initiatives. Leadership roles are distributed based on expertise and commitment, ensuring a balanced representation of diverse perspectives within the organization. This collaborative approach enables efficient project management and consensus-driven decision-making processes.

Within Parcstar Assembly Inc., various roles contribute to the holistic production process, from creative development to distribution. Key roles include directors, producers, technicians, and administrative staff, each bringing specialized skills and expertise to their respective tasks. Responsibilities are distributed based on individual strengths and project requirements, fostering a dynamic and inclusive work environment.

Parcstar distinguishes itself through innovative approaches in production, distribution, and marketing strategies. By leveraging digital platforms and grassroots marketing techniques, Parcstar enhances audience engagement and expands the reach of its independent films. The cooperative’s commitment to creative experimentation and risk-taking underscores its role as a trailblazer in the independent filmmaking landscape.

Through curated film programs, collaborative workshops, and artist residencies, Parcstar empowers filmmakers to explore new genres, storytelling techniques, and thematic narratives. Projects such as bootstrap feature film productions and Kinosuite International exemplify Parcstar’s  commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and fostering a supportive ecosystem for cinematic innovation.

Parcstar actively engages with local communities and industry stakeholders through outreach programs, film festivals, and educational initiatives. Partnerships with cultural institutions, universities, and grassroots organizations support cooperative goals and amplify the social impact of Parcstar’s films. By cultivating a robust network of supporters and collaborators, Parcstar strengthens its role as a catalyst for cultural enrichment and creative expression.


Brief History and Founding Tenets

Parcstar Assembly Inc. stands as a beacon of innovation and collaboration within the independent film industry. As a cinema cooperative, it champions a unique model that diverges from traditional filmmaking structures, focusing instead on shared ownership, creative autonomy, and collective decision-making. This approach not only fosters an environment conducive to artistic experimentation but also empowers a diverse array of voices to contribute to the cinematic landscape.

Emerging during the challenging winter of 2020, a time marked by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst widespread uncertainty and disruption, a group of strangers connected through the internet with a shared passion for storytelling and filmmaking. This ragtag band of misfits, hailing from various skillsets and backgrounds, came together to produce a sci-fi short film for a film festival. What began as a spontaneous collaboration evolved into a close-knit community, united by a common vision and mutual respect for each other’s talents.

In 2022, buoyed by the success of their initial project and the deep bonds they had formed, the group decided to undertake a more ambitious venture: a bootstrap indie feature film production. This decision marked the formal inception of Parcstar Assembly Inc., setting the stage for a journey characterized by creativity, resilience, and collective effort.

Parcstar’s motto, “Ad Astra Per Aspera” (Through Hardships To the Stars), encapsulates the cooperative’s worldview. It reflects their commitment to overcoming challenges through unity and perseverance, with each member contributing to the collective whole.

At its core, Parcstar Assembly Inc. is guided by a clear and compelling vision: to create a platform where diverse creatives can collaborate and innovate collectively, producing authentic and meaningful stories that resonate with audiences worldwide. Their mission is to nurture emerging talents, foster interdisciplinary skill development, and express the unique cultural identity of Indonesia on a global stage. These guiding principles are articulated through five key tenets:

  1. Provide an Inclusive Independent Space for Cooperation, Collaboration, and Innovation: Parcstar cultivates an inclusive environment where creatives from various disciplines can come together, transcend boundaries, and engage in collaborative innovation. This independent space is designed to break down barriers and encourage the free exchange of ideas, fostering a vibrant creative community.
  2. Foster Emerging Talents in the Creative Industry: Parcstar is dedicated to discovering and nurturing emerging talents. Through mentorship programs, workshops, and showcases, they provide a launchpad for innovative individuals, ensuring their sustained growth and success within the creative industry.
  3. Develop Various Interdisciplinary Skillsets: Recognizing the dynamic nature of the creative landscape, Parcstar emphasizes the development of versatile skill sets. By offering interdisciplinary training and collaborative project opportunities, they empower individuals to navigate and adapt to the evolving industry with confidence.
  4. Express the Unique Cultural Identity of Indonesia to the World: Parcstar proudly showcases the finest independent motion quality from Indonesia, contributing to the global appreciation of the country’s unique creative voice. By elevating indie filmmakers and content creators, they highlight the rich cultural narratives that define what it’s like to live in Indonesia.
  5. Create Authentic and Meaningful Stories for Everyone: Parcstar is committed to presenting stories that prompt reflection on shared humanity. Through narratives that resonate universally, they aim to foster empathy, understanding, and connection, enriching the tapestry of human experiences.

Since its inception, Parcstar Assembly Inc. has achieved several significant milestones that have shaped its identity and solidified its reputation within the independent film industry. Key developments include the successful completion and reception of their initial sci-fi short film, which garnered attention and accolades at various film festivals. This early success laid the groundwork for more ambitious projects and collaborations.

Starting 2022 onwards, the decision to produce a bootstrap indie feature film marked a pivotal moment in Parcstar’s evolution. This project not only demonstrated their ability to execute complex productions with limited resources but also underscored their commitment to storytelling and artistic integrity. Subsequent collaborations with other filmmakers and creative professionals further expanded Parcstar’s reach and influence, enabling them to undertake diverse projects that reflect their founding principles.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

Parcstar Assembly Inc. operates not only as a filmmaking cooperative but also as a powerful collective branding vehicle. This unique model allows individual members to leverage their diverse skill sets to enhance the brand’s visibility and credibility, which in turn amplifies the reach and impact of their individual work. The cooperative’s people-oriented organization, underpinned by a “one-for-all” principle, ensures that each member’s success contributes to the collective’s growth and recognition.

Parcstar members bring a wide range of expertise to the table, including directing, producing, writing, cinematography, editing, sound design, and more. Each project undertaken by Parcstar benefits from this diverse pool of talent, resulting in high-quality productions that stand out in the competitive landscape of independent cinema. As each member’s work gains recognition, it bolsters the cooperative’s brand, creating a virtuous cycle of mutual benefit and growth.

For instance, when a Parcstar member excels in a specific role on a successful project, their individual reputation grows, which, in turn, enhances the cooperative’s overall brand. This increased visibility attracts new opportunities and collaborations, further expanding Parcstar’s influence and reach. The cooperative’s emphasis on collective success ensures that each member’s achievements are celebrated and contribute to the brand’s prestige.

 Members consistently support each other in their professional endeavors. This support network is instrumental in fostering a culture of mutual aid and collaboration. For example, when a costume designer from Parcstar is recruited for a major series production, she often recommends or invites other Parcstar members to join the project in various capacities. This practice not only strengthens the cooperative’s internal bonds but also extends Parcstar’s influence into new ventures.

Similarly, when an actor from Parcstar lands a significant role in a high-profile production, the entire cooperative benefits. The actor’s co-stars and crew members, who are also part of Parcstar, gain exposure and recognition, enhancing their own career prospects. This interconnected success ensures that the cooperative’s brand shines collectively, reflecting the accomplishments of its individual members.

By facilitating connections between its members and industry professionals, Parcstar helps bridge gaps and create new opportunities for collaboration. This network of industry connections is vital for the cooperative’s growth and success, enabling members to access resources, funding, and distribution channels that might otherwise be out of reach.

For example, when Parcstar filmmakers attend film festivals and industry events, they represent both their individual projects and the cooperative as a whole. This dual representation amplifies the cooperative’s visibility and opens doors for future collaborations and partnerships. The cooperative’s reputation for producing high-quality, innovative films attracts attention and interest from industry stakeholders, further enhancing its members’ career prospects.

Parcstar’s commitment to community engagement extends beyond the film industry. By actively participating in local cultural events, educational initiatives, and outreach programs, Parcstar strengthens its ties with the communities it serves. These efforts not only foster a sense of belonging and support for local artists but also elevate Parcstar’s brand as a socially responsible and culturally engaged entity.

On a global scale, Parcstar’s projects often highlight themes and stories that resonate universally, promoting cross-cultural understanding and empathy. By showcasing the unique cultural identity of Indonesia and other diverse narratives, Parcstar contributes to the global film landscape and encourages audiences to appreciate different perspectives. This cultural exchange enriches the cooperative’s brand and underscores its commitment to creating authentic and meaningful stories.


  • Julio Rionaldo | Writer, Director, Producer, Actor – ID, US
  • Fadhil Abhimantra | Producer, Executive Producer – ID
  • Axel Azarya P. | Composer, Producer – ID
  • Alya R. Kinanti | Asst. Director, Makeup Artist – ID
  • Amarl Al-Kautsar | Cinematographer, Director – ID, QA
  • Farhan La Galigo | Asst. Director – ID
  • Jasmine Salsabila | Prod. Designer, Art Director – ID
  • Nisrina Izlachi | Costume Designer, Character Design – ID
  • Bahreisy Imaadudien | Writer, Voice Actor – ID
  • Almira Putri Sandy | Costume Designer – ID
  • Pandya Devaputra | Cinematographer – ID
  • Brillian Arbianto | Sound Recordist, Sound Mixer – ID
  • Alwi Hafizh Al Mumtaz | Asst. Director, Writer – ID
  • Lulu Artha | Casting Director, Talent Coordinator – ID
  • Fachri Afiff | Producer, Line Prod, Loc. Manager – ID
  • Hanifa Nabila | Casting Director, Writer – ID
  • Rahma Z. Kamal | Casting Director, Talent Coordinator – ID
  • Fresha Zalsabila | Makeup Artist, Costume Designer – ID
  • Augie Kim Idris | Stuntman, Art Director, Loc. Manager – ID
  • Akbar Mikaila M. | Art Director – ID
  • Andi Ramadhan Akbar | Art Director – ID
  • Ephraim Ryan | Writer, Asst. Director – ID
  • Nanang Eldira | Editor – ID
  • Syarifah Wirda | Makeup Artist, Art Director – ID
  • Athaya Shafa | Makeup Artist, Special FX – ID
  • Hanny Alifia | Art Director – ID
  • Kiky Rama | Director, Writer, Asst. Director – ID
  • Edel Adly | Cinematographer – ID
  • Rangga M. Zein | Cinematographer – ID
  • Ihsan Aditama | Cinematographer – ID
  • Enrico Aldo Manuel | Cinematographer – ID
  • Raihana Ghaniya | Producer, Director, Writer – ID
  • Farhan Asyuja’i | Pyrotechnician – ID
  • Alivia Noer | Writer – ID
  • Muhamad Ramadhan | Art Director – ID
  • Nur Azizah Arini | Art Director – ID
  • Fildzah Ghassani | Production Design, Art Director – ID
  • Reza Bimo | Art Director
  • Iggy Bayu | Composer
  • Karina Tandoko | Costume Designer – ID
  • Rifky Esa Syahnarki | Asst. Director – ID
  • Yeremia Kevin | Asst. Director – ID
  •  Deva Akhdan Naufal | Art Director – ID
  • Sulthan Yassar | Actor, Asst. Director – ID
  • Ben Nugroho | Actor, Producer – ID
  • Chanceline Ebel | Actress – ID, FR
  • Larissa Aurelia | Actress – ID, DE
  • Serena Arsletta | Actress, Art Director – ID, AU
  • Elijah Maleachi | Actor – ID
  • Ilona Tjandrakara | Actress – ID
  • Vaizal Bagaskara | Actor – ID
  • Nadine Adyla | Actress – ID
  • Felicia Caroline | Actress – ID
  • Tamara Ana G. | Actress – ID
  • Livi Ciananta | Actress – ID
  • Amarhel Azizah | Actress – ID
  • Albaransyah Yusuf | Actor – ID
  • Alya Devara Rifiany | Actress – ID
  • Tamara Putri | Actress – ID
  • Raihan Prabowo | Actor – ID
  • Nelly Sukma | Actress – ID
  • Putri Apriliya | Actress – ID
  • Bernadetha C.S. | Actress – ID
  • Alvieta Dewina | Actress – ID
  • Tarani Dinanty | Actress – ID
  • Angela Sunaryo | Actress, Art Director – ID
  • Dandy C. Aditya | Producer, Art Director, Actor – ID
  • Aisha Asta T | Producer, Sound Recordist – ID
  • Irfan Hanif | Sound Recordist, Producer – ID
  • Yassar Hassan | Producer – ID
  • Hasbi Asdiqi | Producer – ID
  • Akbar Hilario Rida | Producer – ID
  • Puspa Wulan | Art Director, Makeup Artist – ID
  • Heskey Fransiscus | Asst. Director, Producer – ID
  • Syamil Satria | Asst. Director – ID
  • Anis Astriami Pradesmi | Asst. Director – ID
  • Gusdhian Parikesit | Asst. Director – ID
  • Afiat Yudhistira | Asst. Director – ID
  • M. Daffa Abiyyu | Art Director – ID
  • Alysa Noverizka Utomo | Makeup Artist – ID
  • Zaynal Amru | Cinematographer
  • Mariah Cherubim | Costume Designer – ID
  • Rizky Ardiansyah | Cinematographer – ID
  • Anna Pazia | Writer, Art Director – ID
  • Laura Elizabeth Tedja | Actress – ID
  • Niskala Wastukencana | Actor – ID

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